The Gyalsung Act of the Kingdom of Bhutan adopted by the Parliament of Bhutan on 11th November 2022 and subsequent rules and regulations adopted outline the following offenses and penalties.


  1. A person who evades Gyalsung Training commits an offense and shall be liable upon conviction for felony of the Fourth degree as per the Penal Code of Bhutan.
  1. Parents or guardians preventing an eligible person from undergoing Gyalsung Training, would be preventing this eligible person from fulfilling his Constitutional duty, and therefore, will be liable for the same offense and penalty.
  1. As per the Gyalsung Act, a Bhutanese whether living in Bhutan or abroad who fails to register for Gyalsung Training within the stipulated 100 days commits an offense and shall be fined the daily minimum national wage rate up to a maximum of ninety days.
  1. In the event an eligible youth who has the obligation to undergo Gyalsung Training does not register or having registered did not qualify and avail exemption, as per the Gyalsung Act, they will be charged with the offense of a fourth-degree felony.
  1. In the event an eligible youth who has the obligation to undergo Gyalsung Training does not return, he or she will have been deemed to have defaulted on his or her legal obligations and committed an offense of felony for not fulfilling one of the most important Fundamental Duty of a Bhutanese citizen.
  1.  All Bhutanese will be required to enroll, register and enlist for National Service regardless of current place of residence.