Notification for National Service Duty
The Gyalsung Headquarters is pleased to announce the deployment of the First Cohort Gyalsups for the Gyalsup for Gyalsung (GFG)
Gist of cadets’ life in Gyalsung Academy
The youths of age between 16 and half years and 19 years hailing from different societies and diverse family backgrounds with multifarious habits and grooming shall report yearly to register as ‘Gyalsar’ in all four Gyalsung Academies (GA) to undergo mandatory one-year Gyalsung Training (GT). The GT should be reckoned as a once in lifetime opportunity by the youths. The training curriculum, recreational and extra-curricular activities, the Academy conducts shall play a vital role to make a seamless transition from civilian life to military life. The very fact that Gyalsars hail from different backgrounds, provides an ample opportunity to interact and learn inherent knowledge and practices.
Initial Activities in Gyalsung Academy
The Gyalsar on reporting to the Academy shall be assigned their Platoon/Company/Battalion grouping and later ushered to the living barracks. During the initial week, the Gyalsars shall be given orientation program, the series of activities that shall follow during orientation shall be issuing of ‘Kits’ (Uniforms and paraphernalia), orienting on the training, administrative and recreational infrastructures and familiarization of Academy premises.
The grouping/division shall be in Battalion (Bn) comprising 550 plus Gyalsars in equal proportion of boys and girls. Each Bn shall consist of four Companies (Coy) of 141 Gyalsars each, Coy of three Platoons (Pl) of 41 to 46 Gyalsars each and platoon of three sections of 13 to 16 Gyalsars each.
Course/Training Curriculum
The GT program shall comprise of three months Basic Military Training (BMT) and eight months of National Education (NE), Life skills and Skilling. The BMT shall encompass Physical Training (PT), Weapon Training (WT), Drill, Field craft (FC), Battle Craft (BC), Outdoor exercises, Firing, swimming, etc. One month of NE and Life skills training shall include National History, Foreign policy, national security issues, core values and Driglam Namzha in NE, Problem solving, Critical thinking, Creative thinking, financial literacy, Media literacy, Cyber security, Mindfulness and spirituality in Life skill program. Depending on the Academy placement, Gyalsar shall have the opportunity to study one Skilling Program for six months, from among ICT security Skilling, Food Security skilling, Home security skilling and Community security skilling. In the program for activities outside of Academy, Gyalsars shall have an opportunity to walk either the ‘Trans Bhutan trail’ or trail within the vicinity of Academy.
Day’s Schedule pattern during BMT.
The Gyalsars day shall commence at 0500 h on the sound of reveille bugle and gets ready for a day ahead. One period before breakfast shall be physical class of either PT or Drill, balance periods after breakfast till the lunch break time at 1245 h shall be the lessons conducted on WT or Military Tactical classes. The time period between 1500 h to 1630 h is an engagement time for a variety of games and sports, time from 1630h to 1750h is kept free as a ‘private time’ and finally the day ends at 2100 h with the sound of lights off retreat bugle.
Living Barrack.
The allotment of living barrack shall be as per the grouping of Platoon/Company/Battalion. Each Gyalsar shall be provided with a well-furnished bed.
There shall be one Mess per Bn that has the capacity to accommodate 600 Gyalsars at a time. The standard of the messing shall be of high standard elevated by its facilities, employment of trained chefs and messing staffs. The Gyalsar messing expenditure shall be covered up from the authorized messing stipend of Nu. 6000/ (Six Thousand) only.
Recreational amenity.
There are provisions of outdoor and indoor games and sports facilities which shall be equivalent to that of the international standard, high speed Wi-Fi network connectivity and internet café. The Gyalsars shall have the liberty to use their mobile phones during private time. There shall be a provision of few ‘Day out pass’ during holiday/Sunday and a mid-term break.
It is only natural that the training and grooming of Gyalsars is multifaceted and multi form. From BMT, Games and Sports, co-curricular activities, grueling trail-marches to skilling programs, the training is an action filled scenario nurturing their mental and physical potential. Each and every Gyalsar is allowed equal space for growth within the given time frame. The completion of training is therefore, a sort of self-assessment which awakens and activates one’s self esteem, sense of honour, and dignity.
At the end of the NST, all Gyalsar will be molded into a man/woman with matured outlook, well-disciplined, positive mindsets and values. The fragile youth once a year back would have shaped Men/Women out of boy/girl worthy of service to TSAWA-SUM.
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The Gyalsung Headquarters is pleased to announce the deployment of the First Cohort Gyalsups for the Gyalsup for Gyalsung (GFG)
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