Attention to all Gyalsup(s) selected for Cohort One. Prepare to arrive between August 31 and September 2 to your respective Gyalsung Academies.
There are two options for arrival to your assigned Gyalsung academy:
Those traveling by public bus are requested to travel to the selected bus terminals given above. Since Gyalsung Academies are located outside the Dzongkhag towns, Gyalsung will arrange transport from the following bus terminals/bus stops to the Academy. A Gyalsung Help Desk will be set up at each bus terminal/bus stop to assist you. Please inform the Help Desk so they can arrange your transportation to the respective Academy and remember to wear your national dress.
Those traveling by private car or taxi can be dropped off straight at the academy. Be sure to carry a copy of your enlistment notice and ID card for security to let you in.
For more details, contact our Toll Free at 2024